
Showing posts with the label Math

Math Trivia : How to make Pythagorean numbers

How to make Pythagorean numbers 

Math Trivia : Find a fake coin

There are 9 coins and one of them is fake which is lighter than the others. Find a fake coin using balance (with no scale and weight) 2 times

Math Trivia : Cut one paper into three pieces

Cut one paper into three pieces There is a rectangular paper on which square grids are drawn.  This paper is cut twice straight along the grid.  When it's a paper in the figure below, you can make 3 kinds of figure.  (1) When cutting the rectangular paper below twice, how many kinds of figure can you make?  (2) When it's cut once again, how many kinds of figure can you make?

Science Trivia : What's Kavli IPMU ?

   Kavli IPMU  = Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe

Math Trivia : Same birthday in the class of 50 people

Bet is made on "Are there the two persons with same birthday in the class of 50 people or not?"  Should I bet on "Yes" ?  

Math Trivia : Round off the 3rd digit number from the top of the 123rd power of 2

I round off the 3rd digit number from the top of the number of 123rd power of 2. Find two digits number from the top of this number.