Length of coastline of Japan

Japan Physical Map
The length of coastline of Japan is 35,000 km which is the sixth in the world.
<Iwate area>「beautiful coastline of Japan」の画像検索結果

1st: Canada
2nd: Norway
3rd: Indonesia
4th: Greenland
5th: Russia
6th: Philippines
7th: Japan
8th: Australia
9th: USA
10th: Antarctica

World map Japan highlighted

The total land area of Japan is only 1/25 of the United States.
(370,000 km2 vs. 9,200,000 km2)
<Iwate area>
「coastline of Japan」の画像検索結果
However the length of the coastline is longer than a total of the length of the American coastline and international borderline which is 32,000 km.
<New island>
「coastline of Japan」の画像検索結果

<Amano-Hashidate Kyoto>
「amano hashidate」の画像検索結果

「coastline from space Japan」の画像検索結果