Space Trivia : What cause four seasons.

The reason why the four seasons is caused?

It is not because distance between the sun and the earth changes, the change of the four seasons is caused. 
If so, anywhere in the earth is the same season at the same time.

The four seasons occur because of two effects by degree of leaning (23.4 degrees) of the rotation axis of the earth. 
Two effects are that the time length and strength of the sunlight change. 
In the Northern Hemisphere it is in the time of the summer solstice when a sunbeam hits for the longest time and the time of winter solstice when for the shortest time.
In addition, because the sun is high in the sky and light of the sun comes in a sharp angle more, the energy per 1 square meter becomes stronger.

It is August that it is the hottest and is different from the time of the summer solstice. 
This is because it takes time until the continent and the ocean become warm.