Mind Trivia : 6 behavior/attitude Happy people never take

6 behavior/attitude Happy people never take 

Happy people never
1. Mind other people’s business.
    They mind their own business.
2. Seek validation of self-worth from others.
    They focus on how you feel about themselves and keep           walking the path that feels best under their feet.
    No one has the right to judge you.
3. Rely on other people and external events for happiness.
    They never let their happiness be held hostage.
4. Hold on to resentment.
     They are letting go of the resentment and pain, and                  instead choosing to learn from the incident and move on          with their life.
5. Spend prolonged periods of time in negative            
    Even when they are alone, they create a positive mental    
    space for themselves.
6. Resist the truth.
    They accept what is, embrace it fully, and live for the 
    possibilities that lie ahead.